Queen's University Belfast
Howes C, LAVELLE M. Quirky conversations: how people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia do dialogue differently. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378 (1875), 20210480.
LAVELLE M, Reedy GB, Simpson T, Banerjee A, Anderson JE. Interprofessional teamwork for managing medical deterioration in pregnancy: What contributes to good clinical performance in simulated practice? BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. In Press.
Sanford N, LAVELLE M, Markiewicz O, Reedy G, Rafferty AM, Darzi A, Anderson JE. Understanding complex work using an extension of the resilience CARE model: an ethnographic study. BMC Health Services Research. 2022 Sep 6;22(1):1126.
Sanford N, LAVELLE M, Markiewicz O, Reedy G, Rafferty AM, Darzi A, Anderson JE. Capturing challenges and trade-offs in healthcare work using the pressures diagram: An ethnographic study. Applied Ergonomics. 2022 May 1;101:103688.
Zarska A, Barnicot K, LAVELLE M, Dorey T, McCabe R. A systematic review of training interventions for emergency department providers and psychosocial interventions delivered by emergency department providers for patients who self-harm. Archives of suicide research. 2022 Jun 3:1-22.
LAVELLE M, Darzi A, Starodub R, Anderson JE. The role of transactive memory systems, psychological safety and interpersonal conflict in hospital team performance. Ergonomics. 2022 Mar 4;65(3):519-29.
LAVELLE M, Reedy GB, Simpson T, Banerjee A, Anderson JE. Interprofessional teamwork for managing medical deterioration in pregnancy: What contributes to good clinical performance in simulated practice? BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. In Press.
Anderson JE, LAVELLE M, Reedy G. Understanding adaptive teamwork in health care: Progress and future directions. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 2021 Jul;26(3):208-14
Breitholtz E, Cooper R, Howes C, LAVELLE M. (2020) Reasoning in multiparty dialogue involving patients with schizophrenia. In Amblard, M. (editor), (In)Coherence of Discourse. Springer.
Anderson JE, LAVELLE M, Reedy GB. Understanding adaptive teamwork in health care: progress and future directions. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 2020. Dec 16:1355819620978436.
LAVELLE M, Reedy GB, Cross S, Jaye P, Simpson T, Anderson JE. An evidence-based framework for the Temporal Observational Analysis of Teamwork (TOAsT) in healthcare settings. Applied Ergonomics. 2020 Jan 1; 82:102915.
Markiewicz O, LAVELLE M, Lorencatto F, Judah G, Ashrafian F, Darzi A. What are the most important threats to safe patient transitions from hospital to primary care? A consensus study of primary care practices. British Journal of General Practice. 2020 Jan 1;70(690)e9-19.
Dewa LH, Lawrence-Jones A, Crandell C, Jacques J, Pickles K, LAVELLE M, Pappa S, Aylin P. Reflections, impact and recommendations of a co-produced qualitative study with young people who have experience of mental health difficulties. Health Expectations. 2020 Jun 9.
Jabur Z, LAVELLE M, Attoe C. Improving decision-making and cognitive bias using innovative approaches to simulated scenario and debrief design. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. 2020 Jan 1;6(1).
Dewa LH, LAVELLE M, Pickles K, Kalorkoti C, Jaques J, Pappa S, Aylin P. Young adults’ perceptions of using wearables, social media and other technologies to detect worsening mental health: A qualitative study. Plos One. 2019 Sep 18;14(9):e0222655.
LAVELLE M, Reedy GB, Attoe C, Simpson T, Anderson JE. Beyond the clinical team: evaluating the human factors oriented training of non-Clinical professionals working in healthcare contexts. Advances in Simulation. 2019 Dec;4(1):1-11.
Attoe C, Jabur Z, LAVELLE M, Rimes K. Student Interprofessional Mental Health Simulation (SIMHS): evaluating the impact on medical and nursing students, and clinical psychology trainees. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice. 2019 Jan 14;(1)
LAVELLE M & Howes C. Turn-taking and other interactional issues in patients with schizophrenia. In Workshop on Formal Approaches to (In)coherence and Dynamics in Dialogue. 2019. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Renwick L, LAVELLE M, James K, Stewart D, Richardson M, Bowers L. The physical and mental health of acute psychiatric ward staff, and its relationship to experience of physical violence. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2019 Feb; 28(1):268-77.
LAVELLE M, Abthorpe J, Simpson T, Reedy GB, Little F, Banerjee A. MBRRACE in simulation: an evaluation of a multi-disciplinary simulation training for medical emergencies in obstetrics (MEmO). Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2018 Aug 18;38(6):781-8.
LAVELLE M, Howes C, Healey PGT, McCabe R. Are we having a laugh? Conversational laughter in schizophrenia. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Dialogue and Perception. 2018:35-37.
LAVELLE M, Attoe C, Tritschler C, Cross S. Managing medical emergencies in mental health settings using an interprofessional in-situ simulation training programme: a mixed methods evaluation study. Nurse education today. 2017 Dec 1;59:103-9.
LAVELLE M, Reedy GB, Simpson T, Anderson JE. Development of the Human Factors Skills for Healthcare Instrument (HuFSHI): a valid and reliable tool for assessing interprofessional learning across healthcare practice settings. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning. 2017 Oct 1;3(4):135-41. (Joint First Author)
Howes C, LAVELLE M, Healey PGT, Hough J, McCabe R. Disfluencies in dialogues with patients with schizophrenia. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2017. London, U.K.
Howes C, LAVELLE M, Healey, PGT, Hough J, McCabe R. Self-repair in dialogue with patients with schizophrenia. In Communication and Cognition - Miscommunication: Getting lost in language(s). 2017. London, U.K.
Howes C, LAVELLE M, Healey, PGT, Hough J, McCabe R. Do patients with schizophrenia do dialogue differently? In Proceedings of the 7th Joint Action Meeting (JAM). 2017. London, U.K.
LAVELLE M, Stewart D, Brennan G, James K, Richardson M, Renwick L, Bowers L. Predictors of effective de-escalation in acute inpatient psychiatric settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2016 Aug; 25(15-16):2180-8.
Renwick L, LAVELLE M, Richardson M, Brennan G, James K, Stewart D, Bowers L. Physical Injury and workplace assault in UK mental health trusts: an analysis of formal reports. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2016 Aug;25(4):355-66.
Renwick L, Stewart D, Richardson M, LAVELLE M, James K, Hardy C, Price O, Bowers L. Aggression on inpatient units: clinical characteristics and consequences. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2016 Aug;25(4):308-18.
Howes C, LAVELLE M, Healey, PGT, Breitholtz E, Hough J, McCabe R. Gesture, self-repair and reasoning in schizophrenia. In Workshop on Mechanisms for Linguistic Interaction. 2016. Ghent, Belgium.
Howes C, LAVELLE M, Healey, PGT, Hough J, McCabe R. Helping hands? Gesture and self-repair in schizophrenia. In LREC-2016 Workshop: Resources and processing of linguistic and extra-linguistic data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric impairments (RaPID-2016). Portorož, Slovenia.
Richardson M, Brennan G, James K, LAVELLE M, Renwick L, Stewart D, Bowers L. Describing the precursors to and management of medication nonadherence on acute psychiatric wards. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 1;37(6):606-612.
LAVELLE M, Dimic S, Wildgrube C, McCabe R, Priebe S. Nonverbal communication in meetings of psychiatrists and patients with schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2015 Mar;131(3):197-205.
Breitholtz E, Howes C, LAVELLE M. Enthymematic reasoning in a moral dilemma - do patients with schizophrenia reason differently? In (In)Coherence of Discourse 3. 2015. Nancy, France.
Healey PGT, Plant N, Howes C, LAVELLE M. When words fail: collaborative gestures during clarification dialogues. In AAAI Spring Symposium Series: Turn-Taking and Coordination in Human-Machine Interaction. 2015. London, U.K.
Healey PGT, Plant N, Howes C, LAVELLE M. The body's natural defences against communicative disease. In Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) workshop on language in context: an ecological turn to embodied language. 2015. London, U.K.
LAVELLE M, Howes C, Healey, PGT, Hough J, McCabe R. Token gestures: Self-repair and gesture in schizophrenia. In Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) workshop on language in context: an ecological turn to embodied language. 2015. London, U.K.
LAVELLE M, Healey PGT, McCabe R. Participation during first social encounters in schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 20;9(1):e77506.
LAVELLE M, Healey PGT, McCabe R. Nonverbal behaviour during face-to-face social interaction in schizophrenia: A review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2014 Jan 1;202(1):47-54.
McCabe R, Healey PGT, Priebe S, LAVELLE M, Dodwell D, Laugharne R, Snell A, Bremner S. Shared understanding in psychiatrist-patient communication: Association with treatment adherence in schizophrenia. Patient Education and Counseling. 2013 Oct 1;93(1):73-9.
Healey PGT, LAVELLE M, Howes C, Battersby S, McCabe R. How listeners respond to speaker's troubles. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 2013. Berlin, Germany.
LAVELLE M, Howes C, Healey PGT, Hough J, McCabe R. Nonverbal responsivity in schizophrenia: an analysis of patients' social interactions. In Proceedings of the 5th Joint Action Meeting. 2013. Berlin, Germany.
LAVELLE M, Howes C, Healey PGT, McCabe R. Speech and hand movement coordination in schizophrenia. In Proceedings of the TiGeR Tilberg gesture research meeting. 2013 Tilburg, The Netherlands.
LAVELLE M, Healey PGT, McCabe R. Is nonverbal communication disrupted in interactions involving patients with schizophrenia? Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2013 Sep 1;39(5):1150-8.
Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R, Healey PGT, LAVELLE M. Helping the medicine go down: Repair and adherence in patient-clinician dialogues. In Proceedings of the 16th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SeineDial). 2012. Paris, France.
Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R, Healey PGT, LAVELLE M. Predicting adherence to treatment for schizophrenia from dialogue transcripts. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL). 2012. Seoul, South Korea